Elite Achievement

goal setting success


Go beyond goal-setting and learn how to reach goal                     


i'm ready!

You might be good at setting goals, but achieving them requires something different.

If you're like most people, you sit think about what goals you want to achieve in the new year but by February, you watch them drop off one by one.

I'm here to help demystify the goal achievement process.

I'm Kristin Burke

Setting goals can be motivating, but there is a strategy to identifying your most meaningful goal - and putting the steps in place to help you achieve it.

I've coached hundreds of small business owners and helped them close the gap between goals set and goals achieved! And I'm so excited to help you do the same!

The strategies you'll learn from this course are the EXACT steps I use to guide my clients toward reaching their definition of success. 

At the end of this course - you will have:



Clarity around what goals are important and why.



Confidence to dream big and articulate your personal and professional vision.



Courage to embrace common failures and setbacks that derail you in goal achievement.



Consistency to show up for yourself and intentionally work in the direction of your goals.

This is for financial advisors, service-based business owners, entrepreneurial-minded professionals and leaders who want to inspire their teams. If you are energized by your work and know you should spend time visioning and planning but need the accountability to work on your business, this is for you!

You'll be learning my proven process to craft your long-term vision, strategically use reflection, identify your most meaningful goal for the year and build your breakout plan, complete with the tools and a workbook to help you achieve your goals!

elite achievement
goal setting success course

you're invited to the

✓  Four jam-packed modules where we'll cover a goal-setting pillar, giving you clear steps and guided questions that will allow you to pause to reflect in the weekly workbook as you set your biggest goals. Each module is taught by Kristin and includes impactful questions designed to help you gain clarity on your most meaningful goal and take steps to reach it! 

✓  You'll also have a clear direction for each module to gain valuable insight and enhance your goal achieving experience, helping you gain clarity and confidence in identifying your goals, roadblocks, and more.

✓  A detailed workbook to allow you to expand on personal questions, grow the confidence to implement the module practices and brainstorm solutions. 

What's Included?

sign-me up!

You'll have a direct connection to a highly sought-after goal achievement coach at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one sessions.

"I'm having my most successful year EVER as a result."

"I have always set goals but never understood how important it was to set my most meaningful goal that aligned with my vision. I now know what to focus on - and how to get there - and I'm having my most successful year EVER as a result. Thank you Kristin!"


Meredith K.

"Kristin has been instrumental in my growth over the last year."

"By working with Kristin, I’ve built systems and processes that has reduced my day-to-day stress of running my business. Kristin has taught me how to write a quarterly vision and a long-term vision that excites me and is based on what I want to achieve rather than what others want me to achieve."

hannah A.

"Before the series I was unclear what my personal and professional goals were after having my first baby."

"I felt lost, anxious and alone. During the program I learned about how to break through the noise and reflect deeply on what I wanted to achieve and what my own definition of success was. Kristin has a true gift in supporting women while also asking the tough questions we really need to find the answers to. I would highly recommend Kristin's Goal Setting Success Course to any serious small business owner looking to get a clear path to success set in place - one that feels naturally aligned with your true mission and vision."

macey m.

Imagine what it would feel like to set meaningful goals and achieve them - if, at the end of the year you were celebrating what you had accomplished rather than hoping for better next year. 

You can have the confidence to dream big and grow the skillset to ACHIEVE big.

i'll show you how!

Is this for me?

Yes - If you are tired of setting goals and not achieving them.
Yes -  If you want to minimize feelings of overwhelm and learn to silence self-doubt.
Yes -  If you want to step into your power and grow the confidence to dream big.
Yes -If you know the value of a long-term vision but aren't sure where to start.
Yes - If you want to reach your highest potential and live a life in line with your own values.

No - If you have no desire to set meaningful goals or make a change.
No - If you're not ready to grow personally and professionally, or address what may be holding you back.
No - If you're not able to set aside 4 hours to complete the course. You don’t have to complete the course at once. You can complete a module and step away for a few days to think through the concepts. Just don’t wait too long to return!  
No - If you're not willing to do the work that is required to achieve a different outcome.

Your payment will give you instant access to the course modules so you can dive right into the content and start setting meaningful goals.

This is a self-paced course, though it is recommended you complete one module each week to allow yourself enough time to reflect and plan out your goals and how you will work to achieve them.

This workbook was created to help you vision, reflect, set your most meaningful goal and complete your breakout plan. This workbook was created exclusively for the Elite Achievement Goal Setting Success Course to guide you through the program and keep as a resource as you progress towards your goals!

You can join the Elite Achievement Goal Setting Success Course today for a one-time payment of $297.

I'm Ready!


"Participating in Kristin's workshop got me to get clear on my goals, both at a macro and micro level."

"I now have clarity in my monthly goal along with a big vision for my future, both of which guide me daily. She also has infectious energy and brings together a great group of like-minded others. Vague goals bring vague results. So if your goals are vague, then I highly recommend this program."


"I highly recommend experiencing the Elite Achievement Goal Setting Success Course!"

"I have gained so much insight about goal setting, myself, and clarity of goal achieving. After completing this series, I feel empowered by the clarity of my most meaningful goal, what I need to prioritize to achieve this goal, and how to track my strategies and stay accountable. The sessions, workbooks, and Q&A sessions provide everything you need to succeed and feel confident in moving forward to your most successful future. Kristin is such a genuine and devoted goal achievement coach, and I can't think of a better facilitator to lead this series. I am excited to implement everything I have learned throughout each session and have already started my first strategy within my breakout plan, which is why I feel that this series is a game changer! You will not be disappointed!"

Anna V.

"My business was much more scattered before working with Kristin. I had an idea of where I wanted to go and figured I would just get there like I always had."

"She has helped me bring focus to things that are important. Writing a long term vision helped me both personally and professionally.

My favorite part of working with Kristin and goal setting, was learning how to goal set appropriately. Prepping for a new year, knowing I would be out on maternity leave for a few months, she was able to coach me on my expectations. While I still set a goal that has me reaching high, I feel more confident about the goal than had I used my original one.

In so many ways I don’t know where to begin. I am an overly anxious/uptight, type A person. While she can’t take that away from me, she has helped me realize that a lot of why I was feeling anxious or uptight, was simply a limiting belief I had about my business or myself. Realizing this has increased my confidence immensely. She has also taught me when to give myself grace and as a new mom in a male dominated industry, this has helped me tremendously."

Allison P.

Meet Your Coach

Kristin Burke is a goal achievement coach who collaborates with women, entrepreneurs, and leaders to maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success.

She brought over a decade of coaching experience with a Fortune 100 firm to her coaching practice and exceeded her first-year business revenue goal of $250,000 by utilizing the strategies she teaches in the Goal Setting Success Course.

She holds a Master’s in Communication, Chartered Leadership Fellow from the American College and became a Certified Coach and Certified Trainer in her previous firm. 

How long will i have access to the course?

You will have access to the course for 1 year after the date of purchase or until we are no longer offering the course. Course participants will receive an email to the email account they used to register for the course if the course will be no longer be offered so they have the opportunity to complete the modules.  Your workbook is yours to keep and reuse as you wish, so I recommend saving a blank copy to your computer to access again. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact if i have a tech issue related to the course? 

We are a small but mighty team at Elite Achievement so please direct any tech-related issues to support.teachable.com. With that said, if you have any concerns or feedback related to the course content, please reach out to meet@kristinburke.com and someone will be in touch in 2-4 business days.

I am interested in the course but I do not own a business- Is This Course Still for Me?

Yes! This course is great for entrepreneurial-minded professionals and individuals with a growth mindset. If you want to learn how to set goals you'll actually achieve this course is for you. 

What if i am interested in working with you after completing the course? 

Check out my other offers for 1:1 and group coaching by visiting: kristinburke.com/services

kristin burke consulting presents THE

Elite Achievement
Goal Setting Success Course

You'll be led through a proven process to craft your long-term vision, strategically use reflection, identify your most meaningful goal for the year and build your breakout plan, complete with the tools to help you achieve your goals!

Sign me up!