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elite achievement


Embracing Milestones and Reflecting on the Journey

Last month, I celebrated the 100th episode of the Elite Achievement podcast, and I’m filled with immense gratitude and excitement. This journey has been nothing short of transformative, not just for me, but for the countless service-based business owners who tune in each week, eager to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. This milestone is a testament to the power of persistence, the importance of community, and the value of continually striving for excellence. To celebrate this special episode, I invited my dear friend and past guest, Meredith Kasheta, to help guide the conversation as we reflect on the journey, answer listener questions, and delve into the challenges and triumphs that come with growing a business.

The Origin of Elite Achievement: A Journey Rooted in Vision

One of the questions Meredith asked was about the origin of the name “Elite Achievement” for the podcast. This question took me back to before 2009, when the concept of Elite Achievement was merely a seed planted in my mind. At that time, I was networking in St. Louis, and a conversation with a colleague led to the purchase of the domain name, even though I had no concrete plans to start a business then.

The name “Elite Achievement” is deeply personal and resonates with my identity as an achiever. The word “elite” signifies the exceptional feeling that comes with achieving goals — a feeling that sets you apart and elevates your confidence and courage. When I started my coaching business in 2019, I initially considered (but hesitated) to name it Elite Achievement, considering the complexities of spelling and pronunciation. However, when it came time to launch the podcast, the name felt perfect, encapsulating the essence of what I aim to help others achieve through it — elite status in their personal and professional lives through the consistent pursuit of their goals.

Navigating the Summer Slump: Strategies for Staying Motivated

Summer can be a challenging time for business owners. With the allure of sunny days and the disruption of regular schedules, staying motivated can be tough. I’ve experienced this firsthand, and I’ve also seen it in my clients. The term “summer slump” perfectly captures the dip in drive that often accompanies these warmer months.

During a particularly challenging summer, I found myself yearning to slow down and enjoy the season, which felt at odds with my usual goal-driven nature. After discussing this with my coach, I was validated that it’s normal to feel this way and learned it’s essential to recognize whether this lack of motivation is seasonal or indicative of something deeper.

For those who cannot afford to slow down, planning becomes crucial. Incorporating fun activities and mini-breaks into your schedule can make a significant difference. The anticipation of an upcoming vacation, or even just a day off, can drive productivity. Changing your environment, like working outdoors, can also reinvigorate your energy. Additionally, maintaining consistent accountability through peer support, like the weekly calls Meredith and I have, can keep you stay on track even when motivation wanes.

Overcoming Setbacks: When One Door Closes

In my career, I’ve faced moments when the path I envisioned was abruptly closed off. One of the most significant turning points was when I didn’t get a leadership role I had been working towards in the financial services industry. This was a difficult period, filled with disappointment and uncertainty. However, instead of making hasty decisions driven by emotion, I took the time to slow down and reflect.

Through practices like yoga and meditation, I tuned into my inner voice which had long been nudging me towards coaching. This period of reflection was crucial in building the clarity and confidence needed to make a significant career shift. Reading Marie Forleo’s Everything is Figureoutable also played a pivotal role in shifting my mindset. By examining the worst and best-case scenarios, I realized that the true worst-case scenario was not pursuing my passion for coaching.

Taking action, even small steps, was key to moving forward. Setting a goal to bring on ten clients by the end of the year gave me something tangible to work towards. This goal was met within two months, confirming that I was on the right path.

Growth Trajectories and Lessons Learned: Building a Sustainable Business

When reflecting on my business growth, I realized that growth is not always linear. My first year in business was a success, with revenue surpassing my initial goals. However, in my second year, I experienced a 5% decline. This dip was due to my focus on launching a new service — the Elite Achievement Goal Setting Series — while pausing business development efforts. This experience taught me the importance of consistent outreach and client building, regardless of other projects.

By 2022, I had rebounded with a 24% increase in revenue, thanks to bringing on new team members, taking on a consulting project, and launching planning days as a new service. Although growth slowed in 2023, the year was marked by significant personal milestones, including a 40th-birthday celebration and multiple family trips, demonstrating the importance of work-life integration.

Beyond revenue, I’ve also grown in the type of clients I serve, shifting from new business owners to more established leaders in the financial services industry. This evolution required me to continuously refine my coaching skills and adapt to the changing needs of my clients.

Rebuilding After Setbacks: Leaning on What You’ve Built

Life happens, and sometimes it takes us out of the business for a while. Whether due to medical issues or other personal challenges, returning to business after a hiatus can feel daunting. My advice is to not see it as starting over but rather as picking up where you left off. Start by reconnecting with past clients and leads — there’s immense value in follow-up. Often, the timing of your outreach can align perfectly with a potential client’s leads.

Another strategy is to inject new energy into your business by scheduling prospecting meetings and asking for referrals from your best clients. This not only brings in new business, but also reignites your enthusiasm.

Believing in Yourself: The Most Valuable Lesson

If I could give one piece of advice to my younger self, it would be to believe in myself sooner. Throughout my career, I’ve often held back due to self-doubt and fear. Yet, the moments when I’ve trusted my intuition and taken bold steps have been the most rewarding.

We all have unique callings on our hearts, those nudges that guide us towards our true purpose. It’s easy to ignore them or get distracted by external noise, but deep down, we often know what we need to do. My journey in coaching has taught me the value of quieting the outside world, tuning into my inner voice, and taking decisive action.

The Journey Continues

As I reflect on these 100 episodes of Elite Achievement, I’m filled with excitement for what lies ahead. The journey of building a business, achieving goals, and growing as a person is ongoing, filled with ups and downs, lessons learned, and victories celebrated. I’m grateful to be on this path, and I’m even more grateful to have incredible people like all of my clients, podcast listeners, team members, and personal support along for the ride.

Keep believing in yourself, stay consistent, and remember that growth, whether personal or professional, is a journey worth pursuing.

Thank you for joining me in celebrating this milestone. If you’re looking for more goal-achieving and business-growing wisdom, check out the resources available on my website. Together, let’s close the gap between the goals you set and the goals you achieve.