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Business Ownership

How to Personalize Your Prospecting Process

Featuring a Free Downloadable to Accelerate Your Referral Acquisition Today

What is one of the most important elements for my own business growth?

What is one of the most frequently discussed topics in my coaching conversations?

Prospecting and How to Get More Referrals

One of my business mentors taught me that professional services are sold through referrals and using a personal approach. And in this digitized age of click rates and algorithms, I still think that holds true. I coach a ton of client-based business owners who either want more referrals or better referrals… but how do you do that?

Enter prospecting. Prospecting is the art of gathering referrals to grow your business and clientele and it’s important for many reasons, but especially these two:

  1. It gives you an element of control and a direct approach to keep referrals coming into your business.
  2. It increases trust between you and potential clients. Think how much more likely you are to try a restaurant or hairstylist that was recommended by a friend or family member over one that you see in a targeted ad.

Even though prospecting is important, the element of rejection makes it intimidating or even completely unapproachable to some people, and this is when having a process becomes really important. A process allows you to eliminate emotional decision-making and keep pursuing new leads despite any feelings of hesitation or self-doubt.

But how do you begin to build out and personalize your prospecting process? Keep reading.

Personalize Your Prospecting Process in Three Steps

Step One — Explore Your Mindset

The first step is to explore your beliefs and mindset around the art of gathering referrals.

Of course having a process is important, but if you gloss over your mindset then chances are that your process isn’t going to be very effective.

Start by asking yourself, what are my current prospecting beliefs?

Step Two — Define Your People

The second step is identifying who you want to be introduced to and serve — who is your ideal client? Why?

One of the biggest reasons that people don’t get referrals is that they don’t make it easy enough to make the introduction — they lack clarity, conviction and specificity. Broad and open-ended don’t help you narrow down who you want to be introduced to. Get specific.

Step Three — Build Out the Process!

Once you’ve done the hard work of overcoming your limiting beliefs and figuring out who you want to meet, you need to figure out, well, how you’re going to meet them.

Or, in other words, how do you want to get these referrals?!

Eliminating the emotion is key here, but it’s not always easy to do that.

Link to My Free Downloadable Personalize Your Prospecting Process

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the prospecting process, you’re not alone. That’s why I designed my new worksheet Personalize Your Prospecting Process: How to Get More Referrals specifically for client-based business owners and others who rely on referrals as the backbone of their business growth.

This worksheet will walk you through the three steps that I’ve previewed above in greater detail to help you build out a prospecting process that is personal and effective to accelerate your referral acquisition and business growth, today.

Click on the link below to download my worksheet and get started, and if you’re looking for further assistance click here to fill out an application – I would love to connect.