Kristin Burke is a goal achievement coach who collaborates with women, entrepreneurs and leaders to help them maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success.
How a Support System Can Take Your Goal Achievement to the Next Level Support systems play an essential role in goal achievement but fear, pride, and limiting beliefs can all be barriers that prevent us from asking for help. However, relying on a support system doesn’t indicate weakness and can actually facilitate achieving our goals […]
with Julia Pimsleur I recently had a conversation with a woman who will inspire you to think big and go big. I am excited to share my conversation with Julia Pimsleur, a scaling coach, mindset expert, speaker, and best-selling author. Julia is the founder of Million Dollar Women, a community for women who want to grow […]
with Desiree Maya a.k.a. Coach Dez At the start of a new year, we are often filled with energy and enthusiasm towards our goals. And sometimes, we look towards having the best strategic plan to achieve our goals when we quite frankly need to begin with our mindset. That is exactly why I was so […]
with Nicole Case Recently, I had the opportunity to interview a career and leadership coach for female leaders in the corporate world. During her decade of working in corporate human resources, Nicole Case saw countless smart, driven, and talented women become stalled or stagnant in their careers. Today, she uses her corporate HR experience to […]
What do you do when you are off track for a goal? Do you think, “I’m so far off track, what’s the point anymore?” Do you give up on your goal? Or do you seek to understand, learn from your journey and start taking action so you can make progress towards your goal? If you […]
with David Shechtman Hey goal achievers, Kristin here. I recently interviewed a guest on the Elite Achievement podcast that I met a decade ago when an old employer hired him as a consultant. I coordinated many of his workshops and sessions, and as a result, invited myself to attend for my own growth and development. […]
with Empowerment Expert Lauren Hornacek Hey goal achievers! Kristen here, and I am wondering, are you working super hard but feeling unfulfilled? Are you chasing your definition of success? Or are you chasing someone else’s definition of success? I recently chatted with Lauren Hornacek, an expert at helping us identify what we really want from […]
A Discussion with Entrepreneur, Coach, and Mama Tu-Hien Le Hey goal achievers, Kristin here. Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with the founder and CEO of BeauGen. Tu-Hien Le launched her business from her dining room and has grown it into a seven-figure e-commerce business in only five short years. She is also busy […]
Growing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset with Jeannie Andresen Hey goal achievers, Kristin here. Recently, I was fired up to connect with Jeannie Andresen on the Elite Achievement podcast. Jeannie is a coach who grew up in the Chicago suburbs. She spent nine years in the financial services industry and was a sales coach for interns and […]
Are you looking for a breakout year in 2021? Do you want to achieve bigger and better results? Do you want to grow your business or grow yourself? If so, you might be ready to hire a coach! Here are some of the reasons working with a coach can be awesome. First, a coach is going […]