Maximize your potential and achieve your definition of success.

Kristin Burke is a goal achievement coach who collaborates with women, entrepreneurs and leaders to help them maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success.

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The Blog



with My Husband Joe Burke Recently, I explored marriage and how to have a thriving relationship with a very important guest on an episode of the Elite Achievement podcast, my husband, Joe Burke. This topic is critical for entrepreneurs and business professionals because what happens in our personal lives can impact our businesses. And what […]

small business


with Itika Oldwine It’s February, love is in the air, and the florist industry is gearing up for its busiest time of the year. On a recent episode of Elite Achievement, I decided to stop, smell the roses, and learn from Itika Oldwine, owner of Oldvine Florals in Los Angeles and Oldvine Fragrance. I’m excited […]



with Desiree Maya a.k.a. Coach Dez At the start of a new year, we are often filled with energy and enthusiasm towards our goals. And sometimes, we look towards having the best strategic plan to achieve our goals when we quite frankly need to begin with our mindset. That is exactly why I was so […]

biggest goal


with my Coaching Client Nisu Patel It is the start of a new year, and if you’re like me, you are feeling all of the excitement that comes with setting new goals. To celebrate that, I recently sat down with one of my coaching clients, Nisu Patel, to discuss mindset, achieving breakout performances, and leadership […]



Hey goal achievers, Kristin here. Recently, I recorded the LAST Elite Achievement podcast of 2021. The episode was significant to me because I shared my top lessons learned, which is quickly becoming a year-end tradition. Last year in December, I released a top lessons learned episode to celebrate my first year in business. This year, […]



with Nicole Case Recently, I had the opportunity to interview a career and leadership coach for female leaders in the corporate world. During her decade of working in corporate human resources, Nicole Case saw countless smart, driven, and talented women become stalled or stagnant in their careers. Today, she uses her corporate HR experience to […]

brand messaging


with Kathy Young In January 2020, I had the opportunity to speak at a women’s networking event in Orlando, Florida, called the SheHustles Community. It was there I met my recent Elite Achievement guest, Kathy Young. We connected over Instagram, so I knew who to hire when I wanted to increase my social media presence.  […]



A Goal Achievement Best Practice I love this time of the year. It’s planning season for many of my clients, and with planning season comes a renewed sense of hope around what’s possible. It’s also a time when the urgency of achieving a year-end goal is high, which inspires some people to act more intentionally […]


with Ashley Rice from the Lavender Lifestyle “I’m too busy to work out.” “I don’t have the time to take care of myself.” “I hate the way my body looks.” Do any of these statements resonate with you? If so, then my recent Elite Achievement guest will inspire you to step into your power and […]



with Melanie Hurley Hey goal achievers, Kristin here. Recently, I interviewed a woman on the Elite Achievement podcast who started her company with the desire to create a product that could make a difference and ease her mind while painting her daughter’s nails. When Melanie Hurley’s daughters were young, she hated the thought of toxic, […]