Maximize your potential and achieve your definition of success.

Kristin Burke is a goal achievement coach who collaborates with women, entrepreneurs and leaders to help them maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success.

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The Blog

How to fall in love with the process


Have you ever looked at someone else’s success and thought, “Wow, I wish I could achieve that,” without considering the dedication, perseverance, and small, daily actions that led them there? As high achievers, we set ambitious goals. We’re driven, focused, and ready to take on challenges. But sometimes, when progress feels slow or the excitement […]



How to Overcome Your Hesitation to Self-Promote You can have the best idea, service, or solution to a problem, but if people don’t know about it, it doesn’t matter. Learning how to self-promote is critical for success, yet many business owners and ambitious professionals find it challenging to promote themselves. Keep reading as I discuss […]



Are You Operating from a Fixed Mindset? According to, your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and of yourself. Your beliefs drive your behaviors, and your behaviors drive your results. Therefore, your mindset influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. And […]



Are you waiting for fear to go away? If so, you could be waiting for a very long time. In my experience, when striving to achieve ambitious goals fear is almost always present. I used to think successful people were fearless. What I’ve learned is that successful people still experience fear, but have learned to […]



with David Shechtman Hey goal achievers, Kristin here. I recently interviewed a guest on the Elite Achievement podcast that I met a decade ago when an old employer hired him as a consultant. I coordinated many of his workshops and sessions, and as a result, invited myself to attend for my own growth and development. […]



with Empowerment Expert Lauren Hornacek Hey goal achievers! Kristen here, and I am wondering, are you working super hard but feeling unfulfilled? Are you chasing your definition of success? Or are you chasing someone else’s definition of success? I recently chatted with Lauren Hornacek, an expert at helping us identify what we really want from […]


An Online Series Exploring Fear and How to Overcome It Fear is a roadblock on our goal achievement journeys, so when L.Y. Marlow and DeDee Cai invited me to be a part of their From Fear to Freedom series, of course I said yes! From Fear to Freedom is an innovative online series hosting a […]


Recently I was asked to present at an Ellevate Network meeting for the Los Angeles chapter. This community prioritizes authentic relationships and is built for women, so I was pumped to dig deep into four habits that can keep us from goal achievement.  As I share these roadblocks to success, take a moment to reflect and see […]


Episode 4 of the Elite Achievement podcast digs deep into courage because it plays such a vital role in our goal achievement journeys. I recently started this podcast, and it took a lot of courage for me to jump on a microphone, record and launch my thoughts into the universe. I’ll be honest – I still […]