Maximize your potential and achieve your definition of success.

Kristin Burke is a goal achievement coach who collaborates with women, entrepreneurs and leaders to help them maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success.

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The Blog

mid-year goal check-in


It’s Not too Late to Set Goals for this Year! As we approach the middle of the year – how are you feeling about your goals? Are you feeling energized, or are you feeling unmotivated? Do you feel like you have clarity around what you are working towards and why you are working towards it? […]



How to Overcome Your Hesitation to Self-Promote You can have the best idea, service, or solution to a problem, but if people don’t know about it, it doesn’t matter. Learning how to self-promote is critical for success, yet many business owners and ambitious professionals find it challenging to promote themselves. Keep reading as I discuss […]



Are You Operating from a Fixed Mindset? According to, your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and of yourself. Your beliefs drive your behaviors, and your behaviors drive your results. Therefore, your mindset influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. And […]

achievement mindset


We are well into the fourth and final quarter of 2023. No matter where you are on the goal achievement journey or what your projected status is for this year’s goals (you’re going to CRUSH it or you feel so off-track, why even bother?), you can finish the year strong by developing an achievement mindset. […]



This August, I celebrate the second anniversary of my Elite Achievement podcast! I cannot believe I have been hosting a podcast for two years.  When I started my business, I knew I wanted to host a podcast to make an impact and give back. I remember listening to podcasts when I was thinking about starting […]



with Laura Roe Stevens You’ve likely heard about the many benefits of meditation, such as an increased presence, a calmer mind, and lower stress levels. I’ve been on a journey to practice meditation consistently, and I often wonder, am I doing it right? Is it even working? To help answer these questions, I recently had […]



A Reflection on My Second Annual Instagram Live Series in Celebration of Women’s History Month Earlier this year, I hosted my second annual Instagram live series in celebration of Women’s History Month. During that series, I featured four guests who are experts in mindfulness, business strategy, fitness, and networking.  I kicked off the series with […]



with Beate Chelette I recently had a guest on the Elite Achievement podcast who quit her job as a photo editor at Elle Magazine in Germany to find adventure (and she claims she has not had a boring day since). As a first-generation immigrant, she got out of $135,000 of debt by bootstrapping her passion […]



with Heather Whelpley I’m excited to share a conversation I recently had with an expert on imposter syndrome and perfectionism. She has inspired thousands of people at different companies and conferences across the United States through her keynote speaking engagements and webinars. Heather Whelpley is a speaker, author, and consultant who guides women to let […]


Often when envisioning or striving to achieve big goals, we focus on having the best execution strategy or financial plan when what we really need to start with and focus on is our mindset. Of course, no big goal is going to be achieved without a plan and follow through, but if our mindset isn’t […]