Maximize your potential and achieve your definition of success.

Kristin Burke is a goal achievement coach who collaborates with women, entrepreneurs and leaders to help them maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success.

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The Blog



Clarity, Vision, and Overcoming Skepticism for Ultimate Success Achieving meaningful goals requires more than determination — it calls for clarity, vision, and the ability to navigate the skepticism that inevitably comes with setting and achieving really big goals. By embracing each of these components, you can set yourself up for success, ensuring your goals become […]

elite achievement


Last month, I celebrated the 100th episode of the Elite Achievement podcast, and I’m filled with immense gratitude and excitement. This journey has been nothing short of transformative, not just for me, but for the countless service-based business owners who tune in each week, eager to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. This milestone is […]

mid-year goal check-in


It’s Not too Late to Set Goals for this Year! As we approach the middle of the year – how are you feeling about your goals? Are you feeling energized, or are you feeling unmotivated? Do you feel like you have clarity around what you are working towards and why you are working towards it? […]



How to Overcome Your Hesitation to Self-Promote You can have the best idea, service, or solution to a problem, but if people don’t know about it, it doesn’t matter. Learning how to self-promote is critical for success, yet many business owners and ambitious professionals find it challenging to promote themselves. Keep reading as I discuss […]



Are You Operating from a Fixed Mindset? According to, your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and of yourself. Your beliefs drive your behaviors, and your behaviors drive your results. Therefore, your mindset influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. And […]

goal achievement


Overcoming Setbacks on the Path to Goal Success Have you heard any of these common myths about achieving your goals? Myth #1: Tracking progress is a waste of time. Myth #2: Accountability is unnecessary when working towards your goals. Myth #3: Goals will naturally be achieved without any monitoring. But here’s the truth – effective […]

goal setting


Here’s How You Can Prioritize Happy 2024! It’s the season for setting goals, so I want to share some valuable insights on effective goal setting. Keep reading for practical tips and actionable advice so you can improve your goal-setting skills and achieve personal and professional growth in the New Year. Let’s get started! How to […]

achievement mindset


We are well into the fourth and final quarter of 2023. No matter where you are on the goal achievement journey or what your projected status is for this year’s goals (you’re going to CRUSH it or you feel so off-track, why even bother?), you can finish the year strong by developing an achievement mindset. […]

support systems


How a Support System Can Take Your Goal Achievement to the Next Level Support systems play an essential role in goal achievement but fear, pride, and limiting beliefs can all be barriers that prevent us from asking for help. However, relying on a support system doesn’t indicate weakness and can actually facilitate achieving our goals […]

goal review


If you want to achieve your goals, you need to make sure you are making time to intentionally review your progress towards them – why? Reviewing your goals helps keep what is important to you top of mind, assess what is working vs. not working and gives you the opportunity to redefine your priorities so […]